The city of Policoro ( former name : Polychorion ) was born in the Middle Ages in a facility nearby where once stood the important Greek colony of Heraclea . Heraclea was founded by Taranto and Thurioti in 434 BC. Strategically located on a hill between the rivers Agri and Sinni, on the ruins of […]
An ancient tradition attributes to the castle 365 rooms , one for each day of the year. Assigned from Federico II to Gentile Petruro and then by the Anjou to Poncellis, from the fifteenth century the city of Brienza has its history closely linked to the family of Caracciolo who settled permanently in the castle […]
The Sassi di Matera (meaning “stones of Matera”) is classified as World Heritage Site by Unesco; more than a monument it is a system of life and millennia development model. The Sassi represent a unique urban agglomeration in the world in the arid territory of the Murgia. Matera stands indeed on a high limestone plateau […]
The church of Santa Maria de Idris is dug into the Idris rock. The church has an unprepossessing facade, but the narrow corridor communicating with the recessed church of San Giovanni in Monterrone is richly decorated with 12th- to 17th-century frescoes.
The Palatine Tables (Tavole Palatine in italian) are a temple dedicated to Hera, whose original appearance can be guessed easily. Indeed, five of the entablature surmounted columns are still visible. They are located in Metaponto, which stood on the territory of the present Bernalda in the province of Matera, not far from the Ionian coast, […]