Massa | Duomo - Cathédrale - Cathedral

Touristic destinations in Italy:

Massa Cathedral

The Cathedral of Saints Peter and Francis (Duomo di Massa or Cattedrale dei Santi Pietro e Francesco in Italian) is the most important church of Massa.
The parish church of San Pietro in Bagnara was the object of continuous attention of Cybo. In the sixteenth century, it is described as a building of considerable size and the many altars. It was expanded again in 1629 and equipped with marble altars, including the higher surmounted by a large temple John Francesco Bergamini.
The temple, collapsed in 1672, was rebuilt in the same place at the end of the century, designed by Alessandro Bergamini, who seems to have repeated without any change the collapsed building. A little over a century, in 1807, despite the dissent of the population, Elisa Baciocchi Bonaparte ordered its demolition.
The title of San Pietro was then transferred to the church of San Francesco.

Via Zoppi, 1-9, 54100 Massa MS, Italy

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