Florence - Musée dell'opera del Duomo Museum

Touristic destinations in Italy:

Museum of Opera del Duomo

The Museum of the Works of the Cathedral is a museum of Florence, on the north side of the Piazza del Duomo. Collecting works of art of the sacred complex of the Cathedral of Florence, the bell tower of Giotto and the Baptistery, with several Gothic and Renaissance statues. Among the most important works, works of Andrea Pisano, Arnolfo di Cambio, Nanni di Banco, original reliefs of Ghiberti, the Pietà Bandini of Michelangelo and one of the largest collections of works by Donatello, second only to the National Museum of the Bargello

Museum of Opera of Saint Maria of Fiore, Piazza del Duomo, 9, 50122 Firenze, Italy

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