Siena | Palais Pubblico Palace - Tour Mangia tower - Siene

Touristic destinations in Italy:

Palazzo Pubblico and Tower del Mangia

Palazzo Comunale in Italian.

The Public Palace of Siena (also known as Palazzo Comunale – City Hall of Siena) is a building built roughly between 1297 and 1310 by the Government of the Nine of the Republic of Siena. Today is the seat of the municipal government and the municipal museum. It is located in Piazza del Campo and is flanked by the Torre del Mangia. The Public Palace preserves decorations of the golden age of Sienese art, including the famous fresco of the “Allegory and Effects of Good and Bad Government” by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, among the most significant profane representations of the fourteenth century in Europe and other frescoes by Simone Martini, Duccio , Sodom and Beccafumi.

Pubblico Palace, Piazza del Campo, 1, 53100 Siena SI, Italy

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