Corinaldo - Pozzo della polenta - Puits - Well

Touristic destinations in Italy:

Well of the Polenta

In the fifteenth century , the village tyrant – Antonello Accattabriga – built a well in the middle of the main road, the road Piaggia with its 100 steps.

Legend is that a farmer brought on his back a big bag of flour for polenta, during the ascent of the Piaggia, he sat on the edge of the well to rest. Inadvertently, the bag fell into the well; to overcome the loss the farmer tried to recover the down in the well, but he no longer went out. While the gossips of the country began to say that he preferred to remain in the chamber to eat all the polenta.

Viale del Fosso, 1, 60013 Corinaldo AN, Italy

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