Lucca | Palais Ducale Palace - Lucques

Touristic destinations in Italy:

Ducale Palace of Lucca

The Ducal Palace of Lucca (Palazzo Ducale in Italian) is located in Piazza Napoleone. It is also called Palazzo della Signoria or Palazzo della Provincia.
In this area, there was the great Fortezza Augusta residence of Castruccio Castracani, and his palace apparently designed by Giotto. The huge complex, which covered about a fifth of the city was destroyed by popular acclaim in 1370. The fortress was later restored and used as a residence in 1401 by Paolo Guinigi and called Citadel of Lucca. The Palazzo Ducale, after the fall of Paolo Guinigi in 1429, was partially disassembled again. Finally became the Public Palace, rebuilt and designed by Bartolomeo Ammannati. After being home to the Duchess of Lucca Elisa Baciocchi was the seat of state government until the unification of Italy. Today is the seat of the Province of Lucca.

Palazzo Ducale, Cortile Carrara, 1, 55100 Lucca LU

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